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Unisex Waterless Urinal – A New Concept With Many Benefits

by Larry Schlussler PhD on October 2nd, 2015

cs urine pic_2This unique urinal can be used comfortably by both men and women. It requires only a few ounces of water per day to rinse and fill up the p-trap. The p-trap has a capacity of approximately 2 ounces and when filled with water no odor from the urine storage area can migrate into the urinal.


The urinal can be plumed into a building’s conventional plumbing system or the urine could be stored for use as a fertilizer. Urine is transferred from the unit to your desired location via ½” diameter plastic tubing.


Urine contains 80% of the nutrients needed to grow a persons food and it can easily be used as a fertilizer by diluting it with water (about 8 parts water 1 part urine). In the temperate geographic zones urine is almost always pathogen free. A single person produces about 100 gallons of urine a year, on average.


If the urine is to composted aerobically it must be mixed with dry material. If a compost pile is wet and gooey air cannot penetrate into the pile and the compost will be anaerobic. Limiting the quantity of liquid added to a composting toilet will result in substantially less dry material being needed. This will also allow the volumetric size of the composter to be reduced considerably. Some composting toilets manage the excess liquid with a leach field. This liquid typically circulates through the solids increasing the possibility of spreading pathogens. In addition the nutrients in this liquid are not recycled.

cs urinepic_3

Replacing a conventional toilet with a waterless urinal, that is plumed into a conventional waste system, will save a considerable amount of water. Typically this amounts to about 3,000 gallons of water, per year, per person.

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